Rules on Mobgrinders

These rules exist to keep lag in check when many players are online. A 'mobgrinder' in this context is a device with the purpose of automatically killing mobs, thereby obtaining their drops and/or experience.

  1. Mobgrinders are allowed.
  2. One must announce the existence of a mobgrinder.
  3. Big mobgrinders must be able to be turned off for lag-reducing purposes, ie. a lighting system needs to be implemented inside the mobspawning part of the grinder, alternatively be built far enough from a settlement that the respective chunks only get loaded during actual farming.
  4. As a guideline for maximum size: You really shouldn't farm more than 200 mobs at once. During active times, less. You can see the number of entities (mobs + some) in the debug display.
  5. Illegal grinders, or grinders not complying with the rules, may be removed or disabled by the staff.

SEAL OF ADMIN APPROVAL — te3 2012/05/27 23:04

PS: I have installed a mod to limit the number of living mobs from one spawner to 100, so most spawner-based farms won't require supervision anymore. Traditional mob towers and yev farms still do. — tetete 2012/08/02 22:19