Haa == Guide for New Players == §1§lNew Players' Guide§r§0 §1 for §1 Krautchans /int/ §1 Minecraft server §1 by §1§o CorruptedPants *p* §1§l§nContents§r§0 §1§l1. Welcome! §1§l2. First steps §1§l3. Finding a Place §1§l4. Getting there §1§l5. Things to know §1§l6. FAQ *p* §1§l 1. Welcome!§r§0 Welcome to the Minecraft server of Krautchan's /int/ - on it you will find a vibrant, diverse player base, protected by God AlphaBernd. The community has been ongoing since 2011. The current server started in 2013. *p* §1§l 2. First Steps§r§0 You are reading this book. Very good! Assuming you are mounted on your mule and in a reasonably safe location, first check the inventory of your mule. *p* §1§l Mule Inventory§r§0 4 Pieces of red armor 1 Iron sword 1 Stack of steaks 1 Stack of torches 1 Fencepost 2 Leads 1 Compass 1 Clock 1 Bottle O' Enchanting 1 Name Tag Several hay bales This book *p* Your next step should be naming your mule. Most likely, you are near the spawn. Your mule should have a compass - it will always point towards the spawn. immediately next to the spawn you should find the public library - it contains enchantment *p* supplies, specifically, an anvil. Go to the anvil, throw the Bottle O' Enchanting on the ground before you. Now use the anvil to print a name to your nametag. With the nametag in hand, you finally name your mule by right clicking. *p* Put on the armor, get your sword ready, put the food, torches, compass, clock, and lead on your hotbar. Are you ready yet for adventure? Except, where to? The spawn is awfully unexciting, after all. *p* §1§l3. Finding a Place§r§0 Despite being vast, Alpha's Realm is rather densely populated, no surprise given its long history and its §mautistic§r prolific inhabitants. To find a suitable place, the server website contains two important maps. *p* The first is the political map that is updated every few weeks: §nhttps://dev-urandom. §neu/nations:start§r Marked territories have owners! Building there without getting the permission of the owner may get you banned for griefing! *p* The second is the daily map, that tells you where people actually have built things by closely inspecting the territory. §nhttps://map.dev- §nurandom.eu§r Even if it is not marked politically, wrecking other people's shit will get you banned. *p* Don't be afraid to ask in chat! There is usually a moderator online who knows what's what and will be able to help you confirming that a place is suitable for you to be building your settlement there. *p* You need 5 people to start a nation and roleplay war over clay with other nations, but anyone can have a registered settlement where the owner has the right of eminent domain. The server has "clan" tools and tools to find who griefed what block. *p* §1§l 4. Getting there§r§0 Now that you know the location, you plot a course and start riding. Once you're in the wild, punch a tree nobody will miss, turn the wood into planks, turn the planks into a workbench, tools and boats if needed. *p* You could theoretically attempt to use the nether hub to get to your place more quickly, but without a guide, this is rather hopeless, and you end up drowning in lava more likely than not. Just go through the overworld. That's what you have a mule for. *p* Use §l/sethome§r to set a home that you can get back to with the §l/home§r command, and use §l/spawn§r to instantly teleport back to spawn. Thus you can move back and forth from your home and the spawn with ease once you've established a home. *p* §1§l 5. Things to know§r§0 The server has various public farms, most notably the iron farm, which is visible from space, and also has facilities and vendors for wood. You can get there by going west from spawn. DO NOT FUCK WITH THE IRON FARM! YOU WILL GET BANNED! *p* The server runs the cenotaph mod. Upon death, all your belongings will be in an unlocked chest. This chest will only exist for 1 hour of §lreal§r time. Use §l/cenlist§r to see the coordinates of your current cenotaphs. *p* The server runs a chest security mod. Upon placing a chest, it is normally only openable by the person who placed it. Use §l/unlock§r followed by a punch to the chest to remove all protection. *p* §1§l 5. FAQ§r§0 Q: Why aren't my hoppers working? A: The chests are locked. Use §l/unlock§r or §l/chopper§r on the chest. *p* Q: Is there some sort of territory protection? A: No, other than chests and furnaces. People have built walls from furnaces though. *p* Q: Why is my armor red A: Red is the color of Suntopia. Also it's the cheapest dye. *p* Q: Why are Zombie Pigmen wrecking me? A: Run away, don't attack them. They will reset to peaceful mode after a while. DON'T ATTACK THEM! *p* Q: What does [IRC] mean in the chat? A: People are on the IRC server: §nirc.dev-urandom. eu:6667/chat *p* Q: Anything else about chests? A: §l/cdonation§r makes it so random people can put stuff into the chest but not remove. Use §l/cpersist on§r and §loff§r to change many chests at the same time. *p* Q: Anything else about chests? A: Use §l/cmodify FriendName§r to allow §lFriendName§r to open it as well without removing the protection. §l/cinfo§r shows the list of people with full access. *p* Q: Is there a map of where the nether rails go? A: §nhttps://dev-urandom.eu/ §ngeography:transit:start *p* Q: Why isn't there a bed in the noob equipment? A: You don't need one. Just use §l/sethome§r and you will spawn there when you die or use §l/home§r *p* Q: What's the deal with the fence A: You use it with the lead to leash the mule. It won't get attacked while you explore caves. *p* Q: How do I get a melon? A: §l/lb tb§r, disable with §l/lb tb off§r