we dont make page for every shmuck who comes on. besides I bet if you asked 95% of the playerbase wouldnt know this guy. __I've been on the server since June, 2012. I took a break from Minecraft. I founded Kovanje with Kovio. Also thanks for deleting my page, dick. -kr1sto __ did you have one of your citizen's pages deleted and get all pissy or somat? __What? - kr1sto__ What do you expect, instant respect from everyone for playing more than others? --- //[[imosgud@gmail.com|Ranshiin Feeldragon]] 2013/02/24 13:42// __Nope, I just don't understand the butthurt over me creating one page. I also don't understand the claims of me having just joined the server a few days ago, that is why explained how long I've been on the server for.__\\ I don't think anyone made any drama out of you. Regardless, it's not relevant at all. See you in-game! --- //[[imosgud@gmail.com|Ranshiin Feeldragon]] 2013/02/24 19:46// what part of "this isnt facebook" dont you understand? Settle down Sandy V, I haven't created a new page anymore. Guy had some influence on the political history of the server and built a settlement, that should be enough really, there are too few people pages in my opinion because the server aint but a thing without the population - FlakeSe. I copuld keep this upo cause its really enjoyable, but I shouldnt waste this much time on this site. maybe if I get butthurt enough I will pick this up again. You shouldn't, but you do. Please keep it up, it's hilarious to see the butthurt. You obviously missed the point, but I must abide by the ruling of our mod and saviour v1ad