//Currently a draft of the proposal. Discuss possible changes to the proposal in the talk page.// This is a proposal that the [[http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/factions/|Factions]] plugin be included into the server. The Factions plugin is able to seamlessly integrate with current political play, accommodate apolitical players, as well as limit landrunning and griefing. * [[http://www.massivecraft.com/factions?utm_source=Factions&utm_medium=DocsPlayer&utm_campaign=BukkitDev|Player information]] * [[http://www.massivecraft.com/factions-owner|Server owner information]] ====Introduction==== The Factions plugin allows players to form factions, claim land, and participate in wars. * A faction can claim as many chunks as it has power. The faction power is the sum of all followers individual power. Each player has 10 power meaning that a faction with 10 followers would have 100 power. A player looses 2 power on death and regains 2 power per hour. This, of course, could be adjusted to the servers' needs and autism. * Regeneration of power would reward active nations with more power, allowing them to claim more territory for usage. * This system would curb landrunning as a nation would need to have sufficient players and power to secure their land. A nation would have to use power to claim each chunk they wish to occupy. * The default flag for a faction or settlement could be set to "always peaceful" so they'd always be exempt. This would allow an apolitical player to claim a minimum of 10 chunks( this could be adjusted ) without worry of participating in political autism. * If a faction is initially apolitical and approval for nationhood status is overseen by the [[nations:alphas_realm_nationhood|Politbüro]], participation in political autism is strictly voluntary. * Factions have the ranks of Recruit, Member, Officer, and Leader. This would allow nations to manage permissions of who can build on their land as well as allocate it. This would also limit griefing concerns. * The Factions plugin will announce to users when they are entering another nations' territory. * Taking into consideration the current rules for nationhood, a nation with a minimum size of 5 players would be able to claim a minimum of 50 chunks. This could be adjusted to a higher amount of power per player for more area. * The protections offered by the Factions plugin would give defensive fortifications a purpose as only those with permission can destroy blocks. The settings can be changed so that explosions can be enable on a factions' land, allowing cannons and walls to see use during wartime. Defensive fortifications would provide protections during raids and sieges. * After a war, there could be "rebuilding costs", so that damages could be rolled back with a cost to the nation. * Each faction has a money account. The money commands can be used to check and transfer money in various ways. Certain actions like renaming the faction or claiming land may cost money. The faction money will be used for this. This also allows nations to buy and sell land. It also limits landrunning. ==== Votes ==== Should the Factions mod be used? Pro vote: ✔\\ Anti vote: ✘\\ Conspicuous non-vote: ⚜ ^ Votes ^^^ ^ Name ^ Vote ^ Comments ^ | YugoTexas | ⚜ | I don't know about this, sine it does away with our traditional Kurwan System, but at the same time it makes nations actually serve a proper function beyond a dickwaving. |