====== testytigershark ====== A Texan who kills jokes and never builds anything. He is almost always hoarding food for the sole purpose of having it and loves to trade. He has a good-natured rivalry with [[people:bremenbernd|BremenBernd]], is friends with every Battxortii, and plays at odd hours. Inner party member of the [[nations:battkhortostan:battx4:b-nbp|Battkhortostan National-Bolshevik Party]]. ===== Citizenship(s)and other Govermental Things ===== Former head of interim government in Battkhortostan and elections official. Dual citizen of Batt.x; currently residing in Nova Kurwa. Also a major player in the Trial of Bremenbernd in the Court of Butthurt; where testy argued for Bremen's retention of mod powers. testy is now an OLDFAG ===== Server Escapades ===== - He is currently leading a project known as "Kyler; Sad but True Story," A movie depicting the utterly true and disturbing life of kyler. - Caused the first war on the 1.8 server by attacking Yugotexas for being on disputed land - Was one of the first pilgrims to visit the Gay Pyramid - Delivered Kurwa it's first shipment of food on the new server - Charted the Sci-Fi City desert