Many people wondered why [[nations:battkhortostan:battx8:start|Battkhortostan 8]] is the successor of [[nations:battkhortostan:battx6|Battkhortostan 6]], while a seventh reincarnation of this nation did not exist. While [[people:start|some argue]] that the leaders just did not care and overlooked that before having founded the current nation, this is far from the truth. Actually, Battkhortostan 7 is a secret nation, which is so deep that you probably have not even heard of it which, for some reason, has no personal or territorial links to the other states of the same name on this server. However, it is linked to [[nations:battx4|Battkhortostan 4]], a nation that existed on [[history:start#the_age_of_expansion_and_intrigue|the former map]]. While the Battx leaders know about its existence, they are so ashamed that they prefer not to talk about it. Asking questions will result in a [[battles:war_of_breshikan_succession|war declaration]] from Battx 8. The reasons for this are unknown, although there is clear evidence that Battx 7 was founded in January 2013 by [[people:omgmac|a former player and short-time server admin]] **(KILL HIM WITH FIRE)**, who had access to the latest version of the 1.8/1.0 map and decided to host it again recently, after having refused to [[memes:omgmac_pay_derps|pay denbs]]. Battx 7 exists on former Battx 4 clay, where that player was reported to have a house. Having successfully stolen the map, he invited other 15-year-olds and some of the notorious Belarussian griebers and turned it into an utter shithole. **RIB**