====== Reich ====== ^ //**Great Russian Reich**////Великий Русский Рейх// ^^ | {{:nations:150-491.jpg}} || | Capital | https://map.dev-urandom.eu/#/1329/64/6804/max/0/0 | | Official Languages | Russian | | Government | Nazi one-party dictature | | Fuhrer | {{:nations:balls:hitler.png|}} Urfin_Djus | | Establishment | 7 april 2018 | | Population | 3 | | Abbreviation | //Reich// | | Nationball | {{:nations:balls:nazi.png|}} | | [[nations:asc|ASC/N]] | RR | Great Russian Reich, or Fourth Reich is a group of some evil nazi russians. ===== History ===== === founding/time period === Reich was Founded when Urfin left LMP and started his own nation. POWERFUL nation. ===== Geography ===== Reich now owns eastern part of Lampachans capital, WitherWood and two clans are in very bad relations, the decisive war for WitherWood can start anywhen. Also clan owns obsidian-upgraded fortress not far away from there. ===== Politics ===== Reich's first aim is to get the control of all the Witherwood, so Urfin spends all his free time in preparation for war. On 9 April he has signed an alliance pakt with Nord clan, and together these clans are going to fight against LMP. ===== Economy ===== Economy is war-orientated and probably clan's only income is DIGGING FUGGIN MINES. However, it gives enough income.