====== First Raid of Perdyusheno ====== ^ //**First Raid of Perdyusheno \\ //Part of the [[battles:russian_purges|Fourth Enderwar]]//**// ^^ | {{ http://i.imgur.com/JGn6NXx.png?380| }} || | Dates | 22th June | | Location | Perdyusheno | | Result | tactical Ender victory | ^ Belligerents || | {{nations:balls:ender.png}} Republic of Ender | {{nations:russian-ball.png}} Village of Perdyusheno | ^ Leaders and Commanders || | {{nations:balls:endersouthtricorne.png}} Hinoarashi \\ {{nations:calisiaball.png}} Tomokuroki \\ {{nations:balls:badf-officer.png}} Austrobernd(†) \\ {{nations:balls:ender.png}} Aethelwulf| None | ^ Strength || | 4 | unknown | ^ Losses || | 1 banned | 3 killed | The First Raid of Perdyusheno was the first of 3 battles fought between the mainly russian settlers of the Perd-Region on one side, versus an expeditionary force of the Ender Republic on the other. The enderian soldiers searched the small town of Perdyusheno for potential emenies and killed 2 civilians and one watchmen in the process. In the aftermatch one Enderian was banned for killing.