These rules are irrelevant and no longer apply, you can still sign if you want free pvp with other people. ====== Battle agreements ====== **[[rules_of_engagement|READ THE RULES FOR FIGHTING FIRST]]** Fight as you will //amongst yourselves//. This list contains all the nations, settlements, and individuals that have agreed to fight within the game. This includes but is not limited to wars, raids and skirmishes. **Note:** Griefing is not a kind of battle. ==== Nations ==== * [[nations:battx4|Battkhortostan]] ==== Individuals ==== * Elkku112 * Kristjan91 * Putkonen * Onion \\ + These individuals refuse to engage battle with any player or nation for political reason. ==== Customary Planned Battle Agreements ==== Some nations are willing to schedule planned battles under different conditions. See [[battles:planned_battle_guidelines|Planned Battle Guidelines]] for a list of customs. ==== Random World PvP Agreement ==== Some players have agreed to forfeit their right to not be randomly attacked under certain conditions. See [[battles:alternateruleset|Random World PvP Agreement]] for a list and more information.